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extinct extinction pterodactyl mammoth aurochs moa dodo quagga ammonite dinosaur mastodon die out solitaire homo defunct extant trilobite degenerate passenger pigeon coelacanth belemnite man great auk plesiosaur restoration die saurian australopithecine Etruscan ichthyosaur megathere spiritless Pithecanthropus active tarpan graptolite eohippus mylodon Beothuk pterosaur Megalonyx slake glyptodont urus thylacine secretion endangered species ext. seed fern Coptic hominid
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isoenzyme prehominid mosasaur ganoid Akkadian trilobita neanderthal Gothic Homo erectus snail darter smilodon aepyornis oriented conodont hemolymph ramapithecine Rhodesian man restore Taino huia labyrinthodont fossil ammonoid rhinoceros spinal monoamine Umbrian bison isoform nothosaur neck heart impaired system dormant Mahican endangered Chibcha ichthyornis pliosaurus hyracotherium cinder aegyptopithecus animal kingdom plant kingdom ostracoderm ape-man Miohippus goniatite Aztec placoderm brain blood Chimu cease Hittite Gaulish condor Phoenician relict Pliohippus dryopithecoid cahow dicynodont thecodont plesiosaurus orthoceras horse archosaur Egyptian puy reptile Italic whooping crane rukh inextinct ground sloth sabretooth archaeopteryx bubal diprotodon (as) dead as a (or the) dodo Old Prussian Phrygian Cornish dire wolf blaubok pycnodont australopith hybodus dictyosome sky cavalry land readable band cohesion litoptern Elgon, Mount Mesozoic atrypa organically heteroblastic amber Enaliosauria Elgon cave bear rhynchocephalian megatherium cotylosaur survival of the fittest pteridosperm protohuman pythonomorph creodont hominin saber–toothed tiger Thracian apeman mesohippus men clidastes mylodontid Manning pyrothere expire aetosaur manned Mauna Kea adapid dawn man switch plant furniture morphon femur mind-blindness intact blue pike laughing owl crossopterygian synapsid crescent Norn Irish elk zeuglodon cryptodont Toluca Kazbek Odontolcae Abipon chinook Quapaw Merychippus Tupinamba productus Anatolian Iberian OTI amblypoda Lepidoidei mosasauroid Cayuga Kamilaroi amphibichnite Slovincian zoology Sphenopsida bontebok Cayuse cro-magnon necrotype hominoid gone omomyid Antarctic wolf Ugaritic -saur Tangut Chumash brand Arda Huron Kenya Huascarán synsacrum Sauria proboscidean staghound mesonychid Tuscarora live Mascouten Cetotheriidae blue antelope diatryma supergene functionally multiple personality phylacobiosis subculture Prader–Willi syndrome Tocharian ratite indricothere trigonia elephant inactive ou ferret Puruhá Polabian Haida Saponi cenozoology Tangipahoa Homo habilis Kickapoo Japanese wolf taxeopoda Chickasaw extinctive Coccosteidae Hippidion Carolina parakeet fossil fish Odontognathae -meryx Massachusett werewolf hipparion rhizodont rugosa Mesonyx Mandan animalia Colossochelys Dorcatherium taxocrinid ornithosauria paleozooogy -saurus Bayogoula auk crinoidea eurypterid rhinocerotid fusulinid rhabdophora Arapaho fox apatosaurus Tairona theriodontia tiger Florisbad oreodont placodermi Esmeralda Halecostomi pareiasaurus nimravid marsupial lion Ichthyornithes Manx mesosaur -therium Hidatsa Nannippus bethlemite ornithopappi orthis palapteryx Dalmatian Cheyenne Cycadophyta Comanche Belemnitidae Betulites Brontops gene complex radical glyptodon parasang competence pseudoallele Ardipithecus Kenyapithecus Mosasaurus notornis coryphodon Ancodonta Protungulata prehuman marsh dog Aleut anthropoid ape dinornis Archaeocyatha plug archedictyon Salish Baculites talbot Lagunero dibbler Loxodonta Limulidae Litopterna morosaurus Merycoidodontidae Mesoreodon descend Occaneechi Castoroides Platanistidae Proreptilia Pinguinus Phoenicopteri Squamata squamate Ceratomorpha worm trail Chechehet sea saurian Taposa Caenolestoidea stegosauria Cape lion Conuropsis triceratops Coree mons numbat elephant tortoise Edaphosauria Gavialidae Gomphotheriidae Guinau heath hen limulus proterosaurus Agnean Guadalupe caracara Guaitaca Hippoidea Hippomorpha Ochotonidae nototherium Pilosa promammal Spalacidae Banahao, Mount Cofán Congridae Embrithopoda giant sloth marsh fleawort Hochelaga Pezophaps sigillarid Alderney Archaeopterygiformes Choctaw East Germanic Borinqueño Tapiroidea Tritylodontidae woolly mammoth Waxhaw therapsid Rudistae ass sabertoothed tiger crocodilia Klamath Avernus, Lake Covareca disappear Erciyas Daği Clymenidae Ediacaran Geomyidae Gekkones Lycopsida Ragusan Takelma traguloid jibi Murrayian Otomac Pallas's cormorant Portheus Protocoleoptera Quimbaya Quinnipiac pied starling edaphosaurus arthrodiran anapsid basilosaurus condylarth brontozoum titanotherium Keyauwee Delaware Amblysiphonella Leguatia mountain zebra Proganochelidae Diamond Head preman Balaenidae Tragulina Zeuglodontia Kenya, Mount stegocephala Rytina mastodonsaurus Ursidae West India seal mosasaurian cotylosaurian Archegosaurus modocs decondition Juaneño kill Suribachi microlestes hobby Sumerian Asselar man Chango elasmosaurus Macquarie Island parakeet Geoteuthis Chatot Amphicoelia Carib Chirino Edrioasteroidea Dolichosoma Cingulata Leptobos Struthioniformes Cathartae Cathartes taeniodont predentate notoungulate Toluca, Nevado de Tapiridae Soricoidea Dharuk teleosaurus megaphyton pentamerus gyrodus dromatherium dinoceras Prehominidae night parrot Dinopithecus Labrador duck Indridae Ixtacihuatl Hibito Hesperornithiformes Helladotherium Haptopoda Halosauridae Iztaccihuatl honeycomb coral Erie Corabeca Camelus Caquetío Castoridae exocentric endocentric Dinosauria Chimaeridae Aistopoda Aragats apache Abnaki pterosauria epiornis neontology turnspit protobird Scapanorhynchus citlaltepetl Xenarthra Raphidae nautiloid Pecora Lemuroidea salientian missing link Ichthyornithiformes Echinocaris Euselachii Kanam man saber-toothed tiger Keraterpeton Mesonychidae Notoungulata Neohipparion Protelidae Saurodontidae spiralium Charrua dermal ossicle inoceramus plesiosauria muggletonian Arabian gazelle tropic crow Babylonian pycnodontoid Yahi Tylopoda reptilian Suiformes Chibchan odontotormae megatheroid enchodus coccosteus baculite Archaeopithecus Athyris Batocrinus crocodilian Comechingón equid Fissipeda rhinocerotoid Nebaliacea stegosaur Payaguá neanthropic Ancon sheep chalicothere Sirenoidei human megaceros Teeswater Carcharodon entelodont mosasaurid Steller's sea cow sabre-toothed tiger Chimariko haplopore proavian Gaviiformes lobe-finned fish kiwi ornithoscelida Chimborazo otozoum rudistes Nahecarida Eoanthropus Triassochelys coprolite Phyllospondyli hominine Grues Columbae Chono archimedes Micraster Protohymenoptera eurypteroidea hyposphene Cephalaspida gordonia eurypterus phocodontia lepidodendrid Chinchillidae supramarginal moho Afropithecus Arawakan Ammonoidea Arsinoitherium Strophomena crown group bunoselenodont cave lion Elamite pentamere devil's corkscrew Elephas Giraffa kauri gum Kilimanjaro, Mount Hippotragus living fossil nonsapiens Nothosaurus Palaeotheriidae Peking man Tarsioidea Cynodesmus Cornulites Eosuchia Homo sapiens Gastornis Ginkgoaceae Chimaerae Narragansett ichthyosauria Rhinocerotidae oreodon nummulites pycnodontini Protorthoptera bluebuck burbot Australopithecinae Phyllocarida Terebratulidae Palaeoconcha Ngorongoro Crater takahe Mixodectes Megalania Kot Conulariida Syndyoceras magpie-goose toxodon American bison Archelon blackfin cisco Fuji merostomata Goniopholis Harpagornis hyaenodon Neanderthal man pike red wolf Rocky Mountain locust Meganeura Meleagrididae Palaeopithecus Pyrenean ibex Rhipidistia Samotherium piopio Sterkfontein ape–man stitchbird odontopteryx saururae alaunt woodland bison papyrus Scelidotherium cave hyena Creodonta Caenolestidae Protephemerida Favosites Gymnolaemata dinichthys eosaurus paleechinoidea machairodus orthopoda Paenungulata Aphanapteryx Bubalus Sahelanthropus Lantian man Lagoa Santa man Physeteridae Meganthropus Tasmanian tiger Megasecoptera Moriori Dinohyus tillodontia Caddoan calamites Chinook Jargon bear dog brevirostrine Subungulata mastodont uintatherium spinosaurus leaf–cushion Protodonata skunkhead Egmont Auvergne platycoelian Dinornithidae California condor Iˈllyrian Iroquoian jawless fish Miami longhorn stromatoporoid Rheiformes xiphodon Przewalski's horse Protoblattoidea degeneration Cordaitales yeast Missouri Procoela Plagiostomi snuff Tubulidentata Tepexpán man toolach longjaw zinjanthropus zebra traguline Protelytroptera Hylobates Hypohippus Khoikhoi Elephantidae Aramaic alphabet Apterygiformes Avernus vaisya ichthyosaurus Swanscombe competitive exclusion Cycadeoidea encrinus Hokan Permian Homalodotherium Ischyromyidae Isoetales hybodont hesperornis biochronology band–tailed pigeon Tajin Suina Therapsida Stromatopora tooth–billed pigeon maar track Romany loxolophodont Microsauria Palaeodictyoptera Parapsida cave earth Chondrostei Telanthropus Condylarthra horn Cariban Cladistia Cladoselache Caloneurodea cycadophyte elasmobranch hutia Holectypina ivory–billed woodpecker there Reptilia Sivapithecus Steinheim Kamasin Palaeophis Pleurotomaria Stegocephalia metaconid moa-hunter osteoderm Synapsida Allotheria anoplotherium garrote cheirotherium Celtic sauropoda toxodonta tasmanian Chinese crested dog Helioporidae lepospondylous Hyaenodontidae Ichthyornithidae palaeontology dinotherium zaphrentis Anaptomorphus Citlaltépetl pseudosuchian Taung Latimeriidae Gomphotherium mamo Eucrustacea Phoenician alphabet Palaeechinoidea pleurocentrum Rudista marianist vanish Cynodictis victorine Choanichthyes cougar Camelidae Coniferophytae kuru cycadeoid arthrodire Graptolitoidea rhipidistian Saldanha Kanjera man multituberculate Protoperlaria Phascolomidae Columbiformes labyrinthodonta paleotherium African Eve Africanthropus Kenyanthropus American lion Brontotheriidae Bothriocidaris silphium Tenrecidae hadrosaur ground-sloth Chlamydoselachus Elbrus chama Chaetetes Diapsida Ursprache wolf Nectridia Wadjak man ancon mere paleolithic Alvarez theory Boskop Coenopteridales Palaeoniscidae tylopod sable antelope Nummulitidae Bunomastodontidae Ganoidei great bustard Holostei cestraciont Lepidostei Astrapotheria Beghard crater osteodentine Protohemiptera Proboscidea Trinil toothbill Arthropleura Blastoidea Kanam Massif Central Anchitherium Placodus Spanish ibex Tetrabranchia Tritylodon sivatherium apteryx Eurypterida Hyracoidea brontotherium mosasauria Athabaskan Ararat Lepospondyli Merycoidodon Odobenidae Swartkranz ape–man platform Carchariidae Xiphosura gymnosperm Australopithecus sphenopsid Stomiatidae Sarcopterygii woolly rhinoceros Boucher de Perthes, Jacques armadillo Semionotidae Diprotodontia lousewort Crossopterygii Selachii sea elephant zoologist survival kangaroo psilophyte rewilding Paulician Filicineae Cathartidae Holocephali Palaeospondylus spirula nucleus tilefish Bennettitales Labyrinthodontia dead selection volcano

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Words For "functionally extinct"

As you've probably noticed, words for "functionally extinct" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "functionally extinct" are: extinct, extinction, pterodactyl, mammoth, and aurochs. There are 984 other words that are related to or similar to functionally extinct listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "functionally extinct" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

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